Financial Cryptography '97 Registration Form

You can register by calling (809) 497-3255, or Faxing (809) 497-2756, encrypting with PGP or physically mailing to:

949 Old Ta
The Valley
Anguilla, BWI

However, we would like to encourage online registration:

  1. Conference - $1,000
    Workshop - $5,000
    Both Conference and Workshop - $6,000

  2. Full Name:

  3. Address:

  4. Email Address:
  5. Telephone #:
  6. Faxsimile #:

  7. Cancelations before Feb 1 will be refunded in full. Cancellations after that time will be charged a 20% cancellation fee.

    Click on the payment method you will use

    Paying by Credit Card

    VISA Mastercard Discover
    Card Number:
    Name on Card:
    Expiration Date:
    Billing Address if different:

    Paying by Wire Transfer

    The money goes through Barclays New York, and then on to Barlcays Anguilla. To wire money to us you need all of the following information:
        Barclays Bank PLC
        75 Wall Street
        New York, NY
        ABA No. 026002574
        To be sent on to Anguilla, BWI, Barclay's account number 1436070,
        in the name of "Offshore Information Services Ltd.".
    I have wired the money

    Paying with NetCash

    I am paying with
    NetCash from NetBank.
    Here is my cash:

    Paying with Mark Twain Ecash

    Mark Twain account ID is:

    The payment will be emailed to

    Paying with FirstVirtual

    first virtual code is:

    Other Internet Payment Systems

    If you would like to use some other Internet payment system please enter the following:

    URL for joining payment system:

    All info for making a payment to us:

    For any questions or comments send email to