Information about Electronic Submissions for FC00

Written originally by Samuel A. Rebelsky
Last modified Sep 23, 1999 by G. Davida

Electronic submission for FC '00 is now closed. Please contact the FC '00 program chair, Yair Frankel (, if you require further assistance regarding a submission. *******************************************************
Revisions of accepted papers should be sent directly to .

Yair Frankel

Contact information

The electronic submission contact person for this conference is

You may contact this person with questions about the electronic submissions process when other avenues fail.

Do not contact the conference chair or program committee chair, as they do not have any control over the electronic submission process (other than to set guidelines).

Please read the call for paper before submitting your paper. Electronic submissions do not require a cover letter. The extended abstract should start with the title, names of authors, abstract, and keywords followed by a succinct statement appropriate for a non-specialist reader specifying the subject addressed, background, main achievements, and significance to financial data security. Submissions are limited to 15 single-spaced pages of 11pt type.


This is a working document describing the electronic submission procedure for FC00. The procedures and policies described herein may change slightly as we encounter problems or develop new solutions. (Yes, the software has been used for a number of prior conferences, but it's gone through a recent update, and it's maintained informally by volunteers.)

The software now maintains a list of all users which is then stored on a remote site in case of serious problems. We recommend that you test/use the system at least one week in advance of the conference so that we can notify you of any problems/changes. There is no penalty for registering a submission that you do not send, nor for submitting and then withdrawing.


Summary of Steps

The basic steps in electronic mail submission are as follows.

0. Please, no browser wrappers, no html in mail
1. Send mail with subject REGISTER and email body containing author,title... The system will send you a to use in NEXT STEP
2. Send mail with subject SUBMIT and email body being the postscript paper PLEASE READ ON

These steps are discussed further in the section entitled "Submitting via Electronic Mail" Send only postscript files and please disable the html wrappers in your browser. Instruct the netscape mailer to send text (ASCII) only without html or other code.

  1. Required. Generate a PostScript version of your paper formatted for US Letter paper (8.5 x 11 inches).
  2. Optional, but strongly recommended. Test the printability of your PostScript using the TESTPRINT feature.
  3. Optional, but recommended. Test the registration procedure by sending a TEST REGISTER message to the server. The server returns a name to use for testing your file.
  4. Optional. After obtaining a test registration key send a SUBMIT message with your test file (your paper in PostScript format). The server returns information about the success of the test file.
  5. Mandatory. Send a REGISTER message to the server. The server returns a name to use for your submission.
  6. Mandatory. Send a SUBMIT message with your PostScript submission attached. The server returns information about the success of the submission.
  7. Optional. Send a REVISE message with a revised version of your submission. (This must be done before the submission deadline.) The server returns information about the success of the revision.

Details about the commands can be found below, in the section entitled Submitting via Electronic Mail.

Recent Changes and Notes

Many of you have used a variant of this server for past conferences (FOCS, STOC, SODA, etc.). However, we've recently made some changes that you might want to note.

dvips -t letter


If you use another mechanism for generating PostScript, please contact your technical support people.


This is a working document describing the electronic submission procedure for FC '00. All electronic submissions must be sent via electronic mail (no ftp).

The electronic submission of papers is made possible by some experimental software being developed by Sam Rebelsky ( and SIGACT's Electronic Publishing Board. A variant of this server has been used successfully for several conferences already (FOCS, PODC, SODA, STOC, WDAG, etc). However, because of the experimental nature of the software, because email can be at times unreliable, and because "good" postscript files can fail to print on "good" postscript printers, the program committee cannot assume responsiblity for technical problems, although we will do our best to make sure that no such problems occur. For this reason we request that you submit your paper as early as possible.

In addition, please keep in mind the following: