Written originally by Samuel A. Rebelsky
Last modified Sep 23, 1999 by G. Davida
The electronic submission contact person for this conference is
You may contact this person with questions about the electronic submissions process when other avenues fail.
Do not contact the conference chair or program committee chair, as they do not have any control over the electronic submission process (other than to set guidelines).
Please read the call for paper before submitting your paper. Electronic submissions do not require a cover letter. The extended abstract should start with the title, names of authors, abstract, and keywords followed by a succinct statement appropriate for a non-specialist reader specifying the subject addressed, background, main achievements, and significance to financial data security. Submissions are limited to 15 single-spaced pages of 11pt type.
This is a working document describing the electronic submission procedure for FC00. The procedures and policies described herein may change slightly as we encounter problems or develop new solutions. (Yes, the software has been used for a number of prior conferences, but it's gone through a recent update, and it's maintained informally by volunteers.)
The software now maintains a list of all users which is then stored on a remote site in case of serious problems. We recommend that you test/use the system at least one week in advance of the conference so that we can notify you of any problems/changes. There is no penalty for registering a submission that you do not send, nor for submitting and then withdrawing.
The basic steps in electronic mail submission are as follows.
0. Please, no browser wrappers, no html in mail
1. Send mail with subject REGISTER and email body containing author,title...
The system will send you a FILE_NAME.ps to use in NEXT STEP
2. Send mail with subject SUBMIT FILE_NAME.ps and email body being
the postscript paper PLEASE READ ON
These steps are discussed further in the section entitled
"Submitting via Electronic Mail"
Send only postscript files and please disable the html wrappers
in your browser. Instruct the netscape mailer to send text (ASCII) only
without html or other code.
Details about the commands can be found below, in the section entitled Submitting via Electronic Mail.
Many of you have used a variant of this server for past conferences (FOCS, STOC, SODA, etc.). However, we've recently made some changes that you might want to note.
dvips -t letter
If you use another mechanism for generating PostScript, please contact your technical support people.
The electronic submission of papers is made possible by some experimental software being developed by Sam Rebelsky (samr@cs.dartmouth.edu) and SIGACT's Electronic Publishing Board. A variant of this server has been used successfully for several conferences already (FOCS, PODC, SODA, STOC, WDAG, etc). However, because of the experimental nature of the software, because email can be at times unreliable, and because "good" postscript files can fail to print on "good" postscript printers, the program committee cannot assume responsiblity for technical problems, although we will do our best to make sure that no such problems occur. For this reason we request that you submit your paper as early as possible.
In addition, please keep in mind the following:
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For this year, we will accept papers in PostScript(tm) format via electronic mail. We will not accept submissions via ftp. All electronic submissions must be in printable PostScript(tm) form and arrive by Sept 24, 1999, 4:30pm. This is the same as the hardcopy deadline.
Unprintable PostScript(tm) and late submissions will be rejected. PostScript submissions formatted for paper size other than 8.5 x 11 inch paper (US Letter), or with pages in nonascending order, also risk rejection without consideration of their merits. The committee accepts no responsibility for errors due to problems with the system, although we will do our best to make sure that no such problems occur. We request that you submit your paper as early as possible.
You may revise or withdraw your paper after submitting it. However, revisions must be received by the deadline. Withdrawals before the deadline can be done using the electronic submissions system. Withdrawals after the deadline will need to be arranged through the program committee.
Because of copyright restrictions, we request that authors only use standard LaserWriter fonts (e.g., Times, Helvetica, Symbol) or public domain fonts (e.g., the Computer Modern Fonts) in their preliminary submissions. For final submissions, it should be possible to use copyrighted fonts.
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Because we assume no responsibility for technical problems or problems with PostScript(tm), we strongly encourage prospective users of the system to test both the submission procedures and the printability of their PostScript(tm). We suggest testing the submission procedures by a week before September 24, 1999(that is, test the system before September 17, 1999).
For those unsure of the printability of their PostScript(tm), we do provide a test-printing service described below. The service may be terminated at September 23, 1999(that is, twenty-four hours prior to the submission deadline).
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To submit via electronic mail, send electronic mail to e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu with one of the following keywords for a subject. The submission server will send you a reply indicating the disposition of your request.
Request help on the electronic submission process. You will receive this document (or a variant) in response.
Inform the server that you plan to submit a paper electronically. This is only used for electronic submissions -- you do not need to register if you are submitting printed copies of your papers.
e.g.The body of a REGISTER email message should take the form
authors: "and"-separated list of authors title: title of document contact: e-mail address notes: eligible for best student paper
Note that the "notes" field is currently only used to indicate eligibility for the best student paper award. Other notes will most likely be ignored.
For examples,
% mail e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Subject: REGISTER authors: Crypto Geek title: Random Sampling contact: cryptogeek@cryptoworld.com notes: eligible for best paper ^D
The server will return a name to use to refer to your submission (called the filename or key in the sections below).
From: e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Thu Sep 8 19:18:41 1994 To: cryptogeek@cryptoworld.com Subject: REGISTER You should use the file name "xc96c-12345.ps" for submitting the following paper: authors: Crypto Geek title: Random Sampling contact: cryptogeek@cryptoworld.com notes: eligible for best paper receipt:
Like REGISTER, but the server returns a file name to use for testing (you can use this test file name with all the messages below). You may (but need not) specify the information on the paper (contact, title, etc.).
Submit (or revise) a paper. The body of the message should be the PostScript(tm) file. The server will acknowledge the submission. The acknowledgment will include an MD5-generated receipt for the submission, as well as basic information the file so that you can verify that it arrived "safely". The basic information includes sizes (in bytes), checksum, first and last ten lines of the file.
For example,
% mail e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Subject: SUBMIT xc96c-12345.ps insert postscript file into main body of message ^D From: e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Thu Sep 8 19:18:41 1994 To: cryptogeek@cryptoworld.com Subject: Submission of xc96c-12345.ps received. Your paper with key xc96c-12345.ps was received on Sep 8 19:27. It is 404918 bytes long. Its checksum is 23036. The receipt is: abcba4232hgada43232323 It does not seem to generate any PostScript(tm) errors. The first ten lines of your file are: ... The last ten lines of your file are: ...
Revise a previously submitted paper. The body of the message should be the PostScript(tm) file. The server will confirm this revision with the contact person for the paper (as well as the sender of the SUBMIT message).
For example,
% mail e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Subject: REVISE xc96c-12345.ps insert postscript file into main body of message ^D From: e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Thu Sep 8 19:18:41 1994 To: cryptogeek@cryptoworld.com Subject: Revised version of xc96c-12345.ps received. A revised version of your FC00 submission with key xc96c-12345.ps was received on Thu Sep 8 19:43:33 EDT 1994 Please send electronic mail to e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu if you did not submit a revised version.
The server will also acknowledge the revision, as above.
Withdraw a previously submitted paper. The server will confirm this withdrawal with the contact person for the paper.
For example,
% mail e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Subject: WITHDRAW xc96c-12345.ps ^D From: e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Thu Sep 8 19:18:41 1994 To: cryptogeek@cryptoworld.com Subject: xc96c-12345.ps withdrawn. Your FC00 submission with key xc96c-12345.ps was withdrawn on Thu Sep 8 19:43:33 EDT 1994 Please send electronic mail to e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu if you did not withdraw your paper.
Test printing of the PostScript(tm) file contained in the body of the message. The server will return a message regarding the success or failure of the printing process. The server does not test for full compliance with the submission guidelines, such as length, page size, etc. Hence, a submission may pass this test and still be rejected without consideration of its merits.
We have also found that some PostScript(tm) successfully passes through the testing process, but is not printable. For example, FrameMaker(tm) generates PostScript(tm) that is only printable on a particular size of paper (if generated for A4, it will not print on US Letter, and vice versa). All papers must be generated for US Letter paper.
Here is an example of the use of TESTPRINT
% mail e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Subject: TESTPRINT insert postscript file into main body of message ^D From: e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Thu Sep 8 19:18:41 1994 To: cryptogeek@cryptoworld.com Subject: TESTPRINT The file you sent failed with the following PostScript(tm) errors: ...
Check on the status of an electronic submission. This status refers only to its existence and printability, not to it's status in the refereeing process.
For example,
% mail e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Subject: STATUS xc96c-12345.ps ^D From: e-sub@fc00.cs.uwm.edu Thu Sep 8 19:18:41 1994 To: cryptogeek@cryptoworld.com Subject: STATUS xc96c-12345.ps Information on paper with key: xc96c-12345.ps authors: Crypto Geek title: Random Sampling contact: cryptogeek@cryptoworld.com notes: eligible for best paper receipt: abcba4232hgada43232323 It is 404918 bytes long. Its checksum is 23036. It does not seem to generate any PostScript(tm) errors. The first ten lines of your file are: ... The last ten lines of your file are: ...
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As with the hardcopy submission process, copies of electronically-submitted papers will only be read by members of the program committee and selected reviewers.
We do not plan to include a mechanism for encryption/decryption of submissions to FC00. The primary reason for this decision is that the SIGACT community is honorable. Additionally, it is unlikely that we can provide sufficiently general cross-platform software that will not hinder the refereeing process.
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Proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Preproceedings will be available at the conference, but final versions will not be due until afterwards, giving authors the opportunity to revise their papers based on presentations and discussions at the meeting. Instructions and deadlines for submission of final papers will be sent later to authors of accepted papers.
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Dan Boneh, Stanford
Joan Feigenbaum, AT&T Labs - Research
Yair Frankel (Chair), CertCo
Stuart Haber, InterTrust STAR Lab
Philip MacKenzie, Lucent Bell Labs
Ueli Maurer, ETH Zurich
Clifford Neuman, USC
Kazue Sako, NEC
Dan Simon, Microsoft
Paul Syverson, Naval Research Laboratory
Win Treese, Open Market, Inc.
Nicko van Someren, nCipher
George Davida, UWM
Further information about submissions may be found at http://www.fc00.cs.uwm.edu/index.html
Further Information about conference registration and on travel, hotels, and Anguilla itself will follow in a separate general announcement. FC00 is organized by the International Financial Cryptography Association. Additional information about FC00 may be found at http://fc00.ai.
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