Financial Cryptography
and Data Security
Program Committee
Program Chairs:
Andrew Patrick,
Moti Yung, moti@cs.columbia.edu
Program Committee:
Colin Boyd | Queensland University of Technology |
Suresh Chari | IBM |
Liqun Chen | HP Labs |
Lynne Coventry | NCR |
Yvo Desmedt | University College London |
Giovanni Di Crescenzo | Telcordia Technologies |
Roger Dingledine | Moria Research Labs |
Scott Flinn | National Research Council of Canada |
Juan Garay | Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies |
Dan Geer | Geer Risk Services |
Craig Gentry | DoCoMo Labs USA |
Mike Just | Treasury Board of Canada |
Aggelos Kiayias | U Connecticut |
Helger Lipmaa | Helsinki U Technology |
David M'Raihi | Verisign |
Kobbi Nissim | Microsoft |
Satoshi Obana | Columbia U and NEC |
Andrew Odlyzko | U Minnesota |
Pascal Paillier | Gemplus |
David Pointcheval | Ecole Normale Supérieure |
Bart Preneel | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Angela Sasse | University College London |
Berry Schoenmakers | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven |
Sean Smith | Dartmouth College |
Jessica Staddon | Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) |
Michael Szydlo | RSA Laboratories |
Jacques Traore | France Telecom |
Gene Tsudik | U California, Irvine |
Alma Whitten | |
Adam Young | Cigital |
Bill Yurcik | NCSA |